Benefits of Participation

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  • The history, heritage and positioning of the brand will be read by thousands of the nations top corporate executives, as well as senior executives involved in Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations, Retail Buying and Brand and Product Management.

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  • A high profile of the brand reassures existing customers that they are buying the right brand and motivates potential customers to try the brand.

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  • National press and media activities by Superbrands will highlight the brand’s achievements.

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  • The sheer reputation and image of a leading brand is a high motivator for employees, who like to be associated with nationally famous names. This reinforces high morale and employee loyalty. The best managerial executives want to work for the best companies.

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  • Suppliers/customers are reassured that they are working and dealing with a great brand.

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  • Retailers are reassured that they are stocking the right brand, and this convinces other retailers that they should also be stocking the brand.

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  • Validates a high rating for the intangible asset of the brand.

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  • Many journalists will receive Superbrands which will be used as a source when researching features on the brand.

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  • The publication acts as an excellent gift to suppliers, customers, investors and employees. It is also ideal for reception areas.

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  • It is an excellent way of bringing people (internal and external) up to date with the brands positioning and achievements.

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  • Being featured at provides internet users worldwide with easy and immediate access to information on the brand’s positioning and status, in a highly prestigious and credible environment.

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  • Qualified and participating brands will receive the ”Superbrands Award Seal” which can be used to symbolise their “Superbrands Status” on their advertising and marketing materials, website, packaging, etc. Research by Nielsen, Synovate, BDRC, TNS and other research companies have found that consumers are more than 70% more likely to purchase products or services displaying the “Superbrands Award Seal”.

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